Stellar Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『ASCA - Stellar』from the release『Stellar』


Release: 2023.07.28
Lyricist: Katsuhiko Sugiyama
Composer: Katsuhiko SugiyamaGINPEI
Arranger: GINPEIKatsuhiko Sugiyama

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English Translation: Stellar English Translation
1.Hoshi hitotsu mienai sora demo naze ka miagete shimau
2.Jishin motenai no sou hanashiteta kimi ga sukoshi naiteta kara ka na3.
4.Oo sugiru dareka no koe jibun jishin miushinau hodo
5.Watashi mo sou da yo dakara koso ima kimi ni tsutaetai koto ga aru no6.
7.Ari no mama de utsukushii hito kimi wa
8.Watashi no akogare no hito nan da yo
9.Kimi to dattara konna sora datte kitto
10.Weʼll find the stars11.

12.You can find the stars coz youʼre so beautiful
13.You can find the stars baby youʼre so beautiful14.
15.Ah totsuzen kawatte shimau sekai
16.Mabataki sae mo yurusarenai hayasa de ikigurushii mainichi da ne17.
18.Dakara ima kawaranai yuruganai kibou ga hoshii
19.Watashi ni totte kimi ga sou da to ieba oogesa to omou no ka na?20.
21.Wasurenaide utsukushii hito zutto
22.Watashi wa kimi no mikata de iru kara
23.Omoidashite ano mujaki na egao
24.Daisuki nan da25.
26.Ari no mama de utsukushii hito kimi wa
27.Watashi no akogare no hito nan da yo
28.Kimi to dattara konna sora datte kitto
29.Weʼll find the stars30.
31.You can find the stars coz youʼre so beautiful
32.You can find the stars baby youʼre so beautiful

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English: Stellar English Translation

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Artist: ASCA
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Senior Editor, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Pokemon game enthusiast and Genshin Impacters.

A fan of DIALOGUE+ and Sakurazaka46.

Interested to listen to more songs from any Japanese girls group and Seiyuus.

Learning Japanese at my own pace.

  • ASCA - Stellar Lyrics (Romanized)

1.星ひとつ 見えない空 でも何故か 見上げてしまう
2.自信持てないの そう話してた君が 少し泣いてたからかな3.
4.多すぎる 誰かの声 自分自身 見失うほど
5.私もそうだよ だからこそ今君に 伝えたいことがあるの6.
7.ありのままで 美しい人 君は
9.君とだったら こんな空だってきっと
10.we’ll find the stars11. can find the stars coz you’re so beautiful can find the stars baby you’re so beautiful14.
15.Ah 突然 変わってしまう世界
16.瞬きさえも許されない速さで 息苦しい毎日だね17.
18.だから今 変わらない 揺るがない希望が欲しい
19.私にとって 君がそうだと言えば 大袈裟と思うのかな?20.
21.忘れないで 美しい人 ずっと
23.思い出して あの無邪気な笑顔
26.ありのままで 美しい人 君は
28.君とだったら こんな空だってきっと
29.we’ll find the stars30. can find the stars coz you’re so beautiful can find the stars baby you’re so beautiful

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English: Stellar English Translation

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Artist: ASCA
1.There’s not a single star in the sky, yet I find myself looking up
2.You told me you weren’t feeling confident. Perhaps because you were on the verge of tears3.
4.Amidst the overwhelming voices of many, to the point where I lose sight of myself
5.I’m the same way too, that’s why I want to tell you something now6.
7.In your true form, you’re a beautiful soul
8.You are the one I admire
9.With you, even in a sky like this
10.Weʼll find the stars11.
12.You can find the stars, ’cause you’re so beautiful
13.You can find the stars, baby you’re so beautiful14.
15.Ah, suddenly the world changes,
16.Not allowing us even enough time to blink, every day feels suffocating, doesn’t it?17.
18.So now, I wish for an unchanging, unwavering hope,
19.If I were to say that you are that for me, would you consider it an exaggeration?20.
21.Don’t forget, beautiful soul
22.I’ll always be on your side
23.Recall that innocent smile
24.I adore it so much25.
26.In your true form, you’re a beautiful soul
27.You are the one I admire
28.With you, even in a sky like this
29.Weʼll find the stars30.
31.You can find the stars, ’cause you’re so beautiful
32.You can find the stars, baby you’re so beautiful

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English: Stellar English Translation

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Artist: ASCA
Translated by:
LN Community

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ASCA『Stellar』Official Music Video


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ASCA - Stellar Lyrics (Romanized)