Megitsune Lyrics (Romanized)

Cover art for『BABYMETAL - Megitsune』from the release『BABYMETAL』
Original Title: メギツネ


Release: 2014.02.26
Composer: NORiMETAL
English Translation: Megitsune English Translation
1.Omekashi kitsune san
2.(chiki chiki wasshoi!! chiki chiki wasshoi!!)
3.Tsuinte nabikasete
4.(hira hira wasshoi!! hira hira wasshoi!!)
5.Hajikete doron shite
6.(kuru kuru wasshoi!! kuru kuru wasshoi!!)7.
8.Iza yuke shichihenge9.
10.Konkonkonko konkonkokkon!!11.

12.Inishie no otome tachi yo
13.Karisome no yume ni odoru
14.Ikusen no toki wo koete
15.Ima wo ikiru16.
17.A~ sou yo itsu demo onna wa joyuu yo
18.Kitsune janai kitsune janai
19.Otome na megitsune20.
21.A~ yamato nadeshiku onna wa kawaru no
22.Kao de waratte kokoro de naite
23.“sou yo ne” tte
24.Namida wa misenai no25.
26.Kitsune kitsune watashi wa megitsune onna wa joyuu yo27.
28.Inishie no otome tachi yo
29.Karisome no yume ni utau
30.Ikusen no toki wo koete
31.Koko ni ikiru32.
33.A~ sou yo itsu demo onna wa joyuu yo
34.Kitsune janai kitsune janai
35.Otome wa
36.Nametara ikan ze yo37.
38.A~ yamato nadeshiku onna wa kawaru no
39.Zutto itsumo kienai you ni
40.Hanabi wo ageru no41.
42.A~ saite chiru no ga onna no sadame yo
43.Kao de waratte kokoro de naite
44.Junjou otome na megitsune yo

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English: Megitsune English Translation
(Based on):
Official Full

If you noticed an error, please let us know here

Transliterated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

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  • BABYMETAL - Megitsune Lyrics (Romanized)

  • BABYMETAL - メギツネ Lyrics (Romanized)

2.(Chiki Chiki ワッショイ!! Chiki Chiki ワッショイ!!)
4.(Hira Hira ワッショイ!! Hira Hira ワッショイ!!)
6.(Kuru Kuru ワッショイ!! Kuru Kuru ワッショイ!!)7.
10.コンコンコンコッ コンコンコッコン!!11.
12.古(いにしえ)の 乙女達よ
13.かりそめの 夢に踊る
17.あ〜 そうよ いつでも 女は女優よ
18.キツネじゃない キツネじゃない
19.乙女な メギツネ20.
21.あ〜 ヤマトナデシク 女は変わるの
22.顔で笑って 心で泣いて
26.キツネ キツネ ワタシハ メギツネ オンナハジョユウヨ27.
28.古(いにしえ)の 乙女達よ
29.かりそめの 夢に歌う
33.あ〜 そうよ いつでも女は女優よ
34.キツネじゃない キツネじゃない
38.あ〜 ヤマトナデシク 女は変わるの
39.ずっと いつも 消えない様に
42.あ〜 咲いて散るのが 女の運命(さだめ)よ
43.顔で笑って 心で泣いて
44.純情 乙女な メギツネよ

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English: Megitsune English Translation
Translated Title:
View Page:
Megitsune English Translation
1.Oh Miss Fox, all dressed up
2.(Ring-ring wasshoi! Ring-ring wasshoi!)*
3.Twin-tails flapping in the wind
4.(Flutter-flutter wasshoi! Flutter-flutter wasshoi!)
5.Cutting loose, bursting, and vanishing suddenly
6.(Spin-spin wasshoi! Spin-spin wasshoi!)7.
8.Now go, and show off your many faces9.
10.Bark bark bark ba-bark bark ba-bark!!11.
12.Oh maidens of times long ago
13.They dance in their transient dreams
14.Crossing countless thousands of ages
15.And living for this moment16.
17.Ah, that’s right, women have always been born actresses
18.Not foxes, not foxes
19.They’re maidenly, sly vixens20.
21.Ah, even a proper lady will change
22.Smiling on her face, but crying in her heart
23.Just politely going “oh, is that so?”
24.She won’t show her tears25.
26.A fox, a fox, I’m a vixen—women are born actresses27.
28.Oh maidens of times long ago
29.They sing in their transient dreams
30.Crossing countless thousands of ages
31.They still live, here and now32.
33.Ah, that’s right, women have always been born actresses
34.Not foxes, not foxes
36.…are to never be underestimated37.
38.Ah, even a proper lady will change
39.Always and forever, launching fireworks high
40.So she won’t ever fade away41.
42.Ah, to bloom and scatter is a woman’s fate
43.Smiling on her face, but crying in her heart
44.A pure-hearted, maidenly, and sly vixen
*"Wasshoi" is a chant used by mikoshi ("portable shrine") carriers at festivals, telling everyone to shake the mikoshi to amuse the god inside.

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English: Megitsune English Translation
Translated by:
Senior Editor, English TranslatorLyrical Nonsense

Feels Addict | 感情ズ中毒者 — Lvl 84
Lyrics Database | 生き歌詞字引 — Lvl 75
Bubblebender | シャボン使い — Lvl 63

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BABYMETAL - Megitsune (メギツネ) Lyrics (Romanized)