Hikaru Nara English Translation

Original Title: 光るなら

Goose house

Tie-in: Your Lie in April Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 四月は君の嘘
Release: 2014.11.19
Lyricist: Goose house
Composer: Goose house

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Original Lyrics: Hikaru Nara Lyrics (Romanized)
Translated Title:
If We Shine
1.Rainbows after the rain and valiantly blooming flowers spread color about;
2.I fell in love with you that day, as you gazed up at the crimson sky. 3.
4.Not even an instantaneous frame,
5.Of this dramatic film will fade… ’cause I’ll carve it all into my heart.6.
7.It was you, it was you! The one who made me realize;
8.If we can make even the darkness shine, it will become a starry sky.
9.Stop hiding your sadness behind a smile,
10.‘Cause every one of these twinkling stars will shine upon you.11.

12.The morning light I faced, having forgotten to even sleep, was so stingingly bright,
13.But I even forgot the tenseness of my headache when I saw you. 14.
15.A silent romantic, like sugar melting into black tea,
16.As your voice swirls throughout my body.17.
18.It was you, it was you! The one who gave me this smile;
19.If we can make even tears shine, they’ll become shooting stars.
20.Your hand has been hurt, but don’t ever let go again;
21.From a sky filled with wishes, tomorrow will soon come.22.
23.The light that led me was you – I was pulled along into a run;
24.Before I knew it, we were beginning to cross paths: Now’s the time! If we can just shine here…25.
26.It was you, it was you! The one who made me realize; the darkness will come to an end, so…27.
28.It was you, it was you! The one who made me realize;
29.If we can make even the darkness shine, it will become a starry sky.
30.Stop hiding your sadness behind a smile,
31.‘Cause every one of these twinkling stars will shine upon you.32.
33.Is the answer always born of coincidence? Necessity?
34.The path we once chose is what will end up as our fate.
35.The hopes and concerns you clutched so tightly,
36.Will surely move us forward to become one with the light.

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Romaji: Hikaru Nara Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Goose house
Tie-in: Your Lie in April Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 四月は君の嘘
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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  • Goose house - Hikaru Nara English Translation

  • Goose house - 光るなら English Translation

  • Your Lie in April Opening Theme 1 English Translation

  • Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Opening Theme 1 English Translation

1.雨上がりの虹も 凛と咲いた花も 色づき溢れ出す
2.茜色の空 仰ぐ君に あの日 恋に落ちた3.
5.フィルムの中の1コマも 消えないよ 心に刻むから6.
7.君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた
8.暗闇も光るなら 星空になる
9.悲しみを笑顔に もう隠さないで
10.煌めくどんな星も 君を照らすから11.
12.眠りも忘れて迎えた朝日が やたらと突き刺さる
13.低気圧運ぶ 頭痛だって 忘れる 君に会えば14.
16.紅茶に溶けたシュガーのように 全身に巡るよ 君の声17.
18.君だよ 君なんだよ 笑顔をくれた
19.涙も光るなら 流星になる
20.傷付いたその手を もう離さないで
21.願いを込めた空に 明日が来るから22.
23.導いてくれた 光は 君だよ つられて僕も 走り出した
24.知らぬ間に クロスし始めた ほら 今だ ここで 光るなら25.
26.君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた 暗闇は終わるから27.
28.君だよ 君なんだよ 教えてくれた
29.暗闇も光るなら 星空になる
30.悲しみを笑顔に もう隠さないで
31.煌めくどんな星も 君を照らすから32.
33.答えはいつでも 偶然?必然?
34.いつか選んだ道こそ 運命になる
36.きっと2人を動かす 光になるから

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Romaji Hikaru Nara Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Goose house
Tie-in: Your Lie in April Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 四月は君の嘘

Goose house『Hikaru Nara』Official Music Video


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Goose house - Hikaru Nara (光るなら) English Translation Lyrics