TEENAGE RIOT English Translation


Kenshi Yonezu 米津玄師

Release: 2018.10.31
Lyricist: Kenshi Yonezu
Composer: Kenshi Yonezu

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Original Lyrics: TEENAGE RIOT Lyrics (Romanized)
1.I’ll die face-down in a tidepool: menthols bravely reached for
2.Two pairs of half-price Converse in a wagon, a melody smelling of twilight3.
4.Now, I’m living like I’m throwing the dice, wondering if there’s any point in smiling wide
5.No one was interested in that G chord, but you loved it so very much6.
7.If even our troublesome hearts will turn to ash someday
8.Then stuff those petals into a bottle and light it on fire! Right here, right now!
9.If you wish harder than anyone, then you’ll be able to plunge into the distant thunder
10.And sing a worthless but tangible birthday song11.

12.A dark horse that a stingy face suits, sulking and poking a hole in the wall
13.The three words I couldn’t say back then, the brass band’s melody14.
15.Gloomily affecting nihilism with a clever face, though I wasn’t taking things seriously
16.No one’s listening to that D chord, but I believed in it even still17.
18.The sound of the gun at “ready, go” slipped our ear before we knew it
19.Touch the depths of hell and break into a sprint! Right away, right now!
20.If you’re more alone than anyone, then you’ll be more able than anyone to reach someone
21.And sing an inadequate but tangible birthday song22.
23.The screaming voice I abandoned as more than I needed
24.It assembles nothing but worthless words, lining them up at the flea market again
25.Made fun of, shamed—where is this place I arrived, at the ends of disgrace?
26.Again and again, I’ll sing that I can’t go anywhere
27.That that’s why I want to see you
28.Right now29.
30.If even our troublesome hearts will turn to ash someday
31.Then stuff those petals into a bottle and light it on fire! Right here, right now!
32.If you wish harder than anyone, then you’ll be able to plunge into the distant thunder
33.And sing a worthless but tangible birthday song

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Romaji: TEENAGE RIOT Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Kenshi Yonezu 米津玄師
Translated by:
Senior Editor, English TranslatorLyrical Nonsense

Feels Addict | 感情ズ中毒者 — Lvl 84
Lyrics Database | 生き歌詞字引 — Lvl 75
Bubblebender | シャボン使い — Lvl 63

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  • Kenshi Yonezu - TEENAGE RIOT English Translation

1.潮溜まりで野垂れ死ぬんだ 勇ましい背伸びの果てのメンソール
2.ワゴンで二足半額のコンバース トワイライト匂い出すメロディー3.
4.今サイコロ振るように日々を生きて ニタニタ笑う意味はあるか
5.誰も興味がないそのGコードを 君はひどく愛していたんだ6.
7.煩わしい心すら いつかは全て灰になるのなら
8.その花びらを瓶に詰め込んで火を放て 今ここで
9.誰より強く願えば そのまま遠く雷鳴に飛び込んで
10.歌えるさ カスみたいな だけど確かな バースデイソング11.
12.しみったれたツラが似合うダークホース 不貞腐れて開けた壁の穴
13.あの時言えなかった三文字 ブラスバンド鳴らし出すメロディー14.
15.真面目でもないのに賢しい顔で ニヒリスト気取ってグルーミー
16.誰も聴いちゃいないそのDコードを それでもただ信じていたんだ17.
18.よーいどんで鳴る銃の音を いつの間にか聞き逃していた
19.地獄の奥底にタッチして走り出せ 今すぐに
20.誰より独りでいるなら 誰より誰かに届く歌を
21.歌えるさ 間の抜けた だけど確かな バースデイソング22.
26.何度だって歌ってしまうよ どこにも行けないんだと
30.煩わしい心すら いつかは全て灰になるのなら
31.その花びらを瓶に詰め込んで火を放て 今ここで
32.誰より強く願えば そのまま遠く雷鳴に飛び込んで
33.歌えるさ カスみたいな だけど確かな バースデイソング

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Romaji TEENAGE RIOT Lyrics (Romanized)

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Artist: Kenshi Yonezu 米津玄師

Kenshi Yonezu『TEENAGE RIOT』Official Music Video


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Kenshi Yonezu - TEENAGE RIOT English Translation Lyrics