Akatsuki no Requiem Lyrics (Romanized)

Original Title: 暁の鎮魂歌

Linked Horizon

Attack on Titan Ending 4 Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Release: 2018.09.19
Lyricist: Revo
Composer: Revo

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English Translation: Akatsuki no Requiem English Translation
1.Daichi to oozora wa naze wakareta no darou
2.Sekai wa zankoku de saredo utsukushii3.
4.Ishi wo nageru mono to nagerareru mono ni wa
5.Youi ni koerarenu saku ga aru6.
7.Tachi ichi ga kawareba seigi wa kiba wo muku
8.Ori no naka de hoeteiru no wa hatashite dochira ka?9.

10.Shinzou wo sasageta modosenai tasogare ni
11.Susumi tsuzuketa yoru no hate rakuen wa doko ni aru…12.
13.Requiem Requiem
14.Kono yoru ni chitta na mo naki hana yo
15.Douka yasuraka ni
16.Akatsuki ni nemure17.
18.Akatsuki to tasogare wa onaji samishii iro idaite
19.Sugisari shi tori no kage daichi ni yakitsukeru20.
21.Ishi wo hofuru mono to hofurareru mono ni wa
22.Youi ni ai irenu kabe ga aru23.
24.Shinjitsu wo nozomeba sekai wa kuzuresaru
25.Ori no naka de miageta sora wa hatashite jiyuu ka?26.
27.Hanataba wo sasageta hatasenai yakusoku ni
28.Susumi tsuzuketa michi no hate rakuen wa toozakaru…29.
30.Requiem Requiem
31.Sono yoru ni chitta hakanaki hana yo
32.Douka yasuraka ni
33.Akatsuki ni nemure34.
35.Jiyuu wo motomete nanika wo ubau no nara
36.Ubawareta hou wa mata ubaikaesu deshou
37.“yumi” wo hikishibori
38.Sekai wa tanjun de sore yue ni nankai de
39.Onaji higeki “nando mo kurikaesu”40.
41.Requiem Requiem
42.Ano yoru ni chitta toganaki hana yo
43.Semete yasuraka ni
44.Akatsuki ni nemuree soshite itsuka kanau nara45.
46.Karamitsuku inga tachikitte47.
48.Naa… tomo yo kabe no nai akatsuki ni aou

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Akatsuki no Requiem English Translation

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Artist: Linked Horizon
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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  • Linked Horizon - Akatsuki no Requiem Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Linked Horizon - 暁の鎮魂歌 Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Attack on Titan Ending Theme 4 Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Shingeki no Kyojin Ending Theme 4 Lyrics (Romanized)

1.大地と大空は 何故 別れたのだろう
2.世界は残酷で されど美しい3.
4.石を投げる者と 投げられる者には
5.容易に越えられぬ 柵がある6.
7.立ち位置が変われば 正義は牙を剥く
8.檻の中で吼えているのは 果たしてどちらか?9.
10.心臓を捧げた 戻せない黄昏に
11.進み続けた夜の果て 楽園は何処にある…12.
13.Requiem Requiem
14.この夜に散った 名も無き花よ
18.暁と黄昏は 同じ寂しい色 抱いて
19.過ぎ去りし 鳥の影 大地に灼きつける20.
21.意思を屠る者と 屠られる者には
22.容易に相容れぬ 壁がある23.
24.真実を望めば 世界は崩れさる
25.檻の中で見上げた空は 果たして自由か?26.
27.花束を捧げた 果たせない約束に
28.進み続けた途の果て 楽園は遠ざかる…29.
30.Requiem Requiem
31.その夜に散った 果無き花よ
35.自由を 求めて 何かを奪うのなら
36.奪われた方は また奪い返すでしょう
38.世界は単純で それ故に難解で
39.同じ悲劇 ∞(何度も繰り返す)40.
41.Requiem Requiem
42.あの夜に散った 咎無き花よ
44.暁に眠れ─そして 何時か 叶うなら45.
46.絡み付く因果 断ち切って47.
48.なぁ… 友よ 壁のない 暁に逢おう

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Akatsuki no Requiem English Translation

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Artist: Linked Horizon
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Translated Title:
Requiem of Dawn
View Page:
Akatsuki no Requiem English Translation
1.Why did the earth and sky part ways?
2.The world is cruel, and yet beautiful.3.
4.Between those who throw stones and those who are hit,
5.There is a fence that cannot easily be crossed.6.
7.When our positions change, justice bares its fangs—
8.But which one of us is truly howling from within the cage?9.
10.I dedicated my heart to an unreturnable twilight.
11.At the end of a night I continued through, where is paradise…?12.
13.Requiem, Requiem—
14.Oh, nameless flowers that fell on that night,
15.May you find peace,
16.Sleep in the dawn.17.
18.Dawn and twilight cradle the same lonely color,
19.Etching the shadows of departed birds onto the earth.20.
21.Between those who slay wills and those who are slain,
22.There stands an impassable wall.23.
24.If we seek the truth, the world will fall apart.
25.But is the sky we looked up to from the cage truly free?26.
27.I offered a bouquet to an unkept promise.
28.At the end of the path I continued down, paradise fades away…29.
30.Requiem, Requiem—
31.Oh, fruitless flowers that fell on that night,
32.May you find peace,
33.Sleep in the dawn.34.
35.If, in the pursuit of freedom, you take something away,
36.Then those who have lost it will surely try to reclaim it.
37.With intentions drawn to kill,
38.The world is simple and yet so incomprehensible,
39.The same tragedy, infinitely repeating.40.
41.Requiem, Requiem—
42.Oh, sinless flowers that fell on that night,
43.At least, may you find peace,
44.Sleep in the dawn—and someday, if it can be…45.
46.Cut through the entangled chains of fate.47.
48.Hey… my friend… let’s meet at dawn, where there are no walls.

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Akatsuki no Requiem English Translation

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Artist: Linked Horizon
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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Linked Horizon - Akatsuki no Requiem (暁の鎮魂歌) Lyrics (Romanized)