Kuruou ze English Translation

Original Title: 狂おうぜ

Yuu Miyashita 宮下遊

Release: 2023.11.01
Lyricist: seeeeecun
Composer: seeeeecun

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Original Lyrics: Kuruou ze Lyrics (Romanized)
1.Tomorrow it seems the world
2.Is a frenzy free for all, how disgusting
3.This has nothing to do with me
4.It just eats away at your head, how boisterous5.
6.I don’t know. I don’t know.
7.C’mon no. c’mon no.
8.I don’t know. I don’t know.
9.Let’s scream. let’s scream
10.I don’t know. I don’t know.
11.I am sorry for my clumsiness
12.Though I have no intent for apology13.
14.The roaring sound from somewhere, it goes through, Tiny
15.Every day when my heart gets taken16.

17.Shall we, together?18.
19.Terrible! terrible! why this is a bore
20.Let’s completely forget, and teeter into dance
21.(let’s go on a journey pa pa pa)
22.If it’s just the fun stuff, be my guest23.
24.Terrible! terrible! how boring this is
25.Let’s forget about work and just get crazy
26.(let’s make some noise pa pa pa)
27.Wanna bang our heads till the morning comes?28.
29.Futile animal sentence game
30.“mercy, cuz I will give out my whole self” forget that!
31.That’s crazy what is that? look at you doing it!
32.Lmao! hey can I borrow it! let me borrow it!
35.I can’t see myself anymore
36.I don’t know. I don’t know
37.I want to flee from myself
38.I don’t know. I don’t know
39.Ideally all the means I must fulfill
40.The postscript full of lies
41.Sticky sticky jigsaw game42.
43.Oh don’t wanna it’s scary
44.Wait don’t wanna it’s scary45.
46.If so, if that’s the case, then I’m scared of the world
47.If speaking out is a harm then I’m scared of people
48.It’s love, or something; how agile your tongue is
49.Are you satisfied now?50.
51.Terrible! terrible! Why this is a bore
52.Let’s completely forget, and teeter into dance
53.(let’s go on a journey pa pa pa)
54.If it’s just the sad stuff, I don’t need them55.
56.Terrible! terrible! how boring this is
57.Let’s forget about work and just get crazy
58.(let’s make some noise pa pa pa)
59.I was staring at the screen till the morning came60.
61.As far as I look, there is definitely no such thing as love
62.At the brink of the end, waiting in anticipation, you must doubt it63.
64.Here’s a question; how long will you play a loner of that much talent?
65.It is a charisma that is hiding something
66.So that there isn’t the real you so that it doesn’t exist67.
68.I’m tired. I have no allies
69.Just my expectations, just my mimicry
70.I won’t look, I won’t look71.
72.Terrible! terrible! Why this is a bore
73.Let’s completely forget, and teeter into dance
74.(let’s go on a journey pa pa pa)
75.If it’s just the fun stuff, I don’t give a damn!76.
77.Terrible! terrible! how boring this is
78.Let’s forget about work and just get crazy
79.(let’s make some noise pa pa pa)
80.Wanna bang our heads till the morning comes?

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Artist: Yuu Miyashita 宮下遊
  • Yuu Miyashita - Kuruou ze English Translation

  • Yuu Miyashita - 狂おうぜ English Translation

2.お祭り騒ぎ放題 やらしい
3.俺には 何も関係ない
4.頭 蝕むだけで やかましい5.
6.I don’t know. I don’t know.
7.やだもう やだもう
8.I don’t know. I don’t know.
9.騒ごう 騒ごう
10.I don’t know. I don’t know.
14.どっからか轟音 貫くよ Tiny
19.Terrible! terrible! こりゃつまらんねぇ
20.スルスル 忘れて フラフラ踊ろうぜ
21.(旅に出ようぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
22.楽しいことだけならば どうぞ23.
24.Terrible! terrible! こんなつまらねえ
25.仕事は忘れて このまま狂おうぜ
26.(音鳴らそうぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
27.朝が来るまで 頭振り回してみない?28.
29.不毛 アニマル センテンスゲーム
30.身体ごと差し出すから 勘弁ね?ってポイ!
31.ヤバいなにそれ やってんじゃん!
36.I don’t know. I don’t know.
38.I don’t know. I don’t know.
39.すべからく あるべき 満たすべし
40.後付け ウソツケで
43.Oh やだ 怖いや
44.待って やだ 怖いや45.
46.なんなら そんなら 世が怖いや
47.言うのが 損なら 人怖いや
48.愛だのなんだの 舌回るなあ
51.Terrible! terrible! こりゃつまらんねぇ
52.スルスル 忘れて フラフラ踊ろうぜ
53.(旅に出ようぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
54.悲しいことだけならば いらない55.
56.Terrible! terrible! こんなつまらねえ
57.仕事は忘れて このまま帰ろうぜ
58.(音鳴らそうぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
59.朝が来るまで モニター眺めていた60.
61.見渡す限り 愛なんて とうに無いぜ
62.今際の際で 今か今かと 訝しげ63.
64.さて問題 いつまで 孤独演じる 逸材へ?
66.自分のホントが ないよう ないように67.
68.疲れた 味方もいない
69.自分だけの 期待 擬態
70.見ないよ 見ないよ71.
72.Terrible! terrible! こりゃつまらんねぇ
73.スルスル 忘れて フラフラ踊ろうぜ
74.(旅に出ようぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
75.楽しいことだけならば 知らねえ!76.
77.Terrible! terrible! こんなつまらねえ
78.仕事は忘れて このまま狂おうぜ
79.(音鳴らそうぜ ぱっぱっぱ)
80.朝が来るまで 頭振り回してみない?

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Artist: Yuu Miyashita 宮下遊

Yuu Miyashita『Kuruou ze』Official Music Video


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Yuu Miyashita - Kuruou ze (狂おうぜ) English Translation Lyrics