Moratorium English Translation

Original Title: モラトリアム


Tie-in: Twittering Birds Never Fly Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The clouds gather 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない The clouds gather
Release: 2020.02.19
Lyricist: Tomoaki Fukushima
Composer: Reio Fuji

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Original Lyrics: Moratorium Lyrics (Romanized)
1.Those people who come and go, reflected on the puddle
2.Blurry traffic light, it stays red
3.Streetlight’s speakers, sounded like broken
4.Singing out lies after lies5.
6.A smile looking so lonely and a sweet breath
7.Hidden thoughts behind that faraway look
8.Dripping onto the window just like droplets9.
10.If the sky stops singing
11.Will you fly to the place where you should go back to?
12.Being with you just like this, inside the bird cage, forever locked
13.Unable to fly while we’re in our doze14.

15.Lovers cuddling under the umbrella on a sunny day
16.Looking at the way they’re sharing it, I then close my eyes
17.Flickering blinker, as if someone’s being rushed
18.On a misty road that I chose that night19.
20.The time that we spend leaning back to back
21.Those white lies inside our mouths
22.Those dreams only hurt23.
24.If I speak out this voice
25.Will the rain that wets you stop falling?
26.Being with you just like this, inside the bird cage, forever locked
27.Unable to fly28.
29.Two people secretly singing behind the sound of the rain
30.Don’t stare out of the window Keep your mind here with me31.
32.If the sky stops singing
33.Will you fly to the place where you should go back to?
34.Being with you just like this, inside the bird cage, forever locked
35.Unable to fly36.
37.For the tomorrow that I’m unable to draw now
38.And for the past that can’t go back We both close our eyes
39.Being with you just like this, inside the bird cage, forever locked
40.Just the two of us in this world, looking for each other41.
42.Inside the bird cage while we’re in our doze

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Artist: Omoinotake
Tie-in: Twittering Birds Never Fly Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The clouds gather 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない The clouds gather
  • Omoinotake - Moratorium English Translation

  • Omoinotake - モラトリアム English Translation

  • Twittering Birds Never Fly Theme Song English Translation

  • Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The clouds gather Theme Song English Translation

1.行き交う人々 水溜りに映る
2.ぼやけた信号 赤色のままで
3.街路灯のスピーカー 壊れたように
4.嘘ばかり 何度も歌ってる5.
6.淋しそうな笑みも 甘い呼吸も
8.窓辺を滴る 雫のようで9.
11.帰るべき場所へ 飛び立ってしまうのだろう
12.君とこのまま 鳥籠の中で 永遠 閉じ込められて
13.飛べないままで 微睡みの中14.
15.寄り添う恋人 陽溜まりの傘を
16.分け合う姿 僕は目を閉じる
17.瞬いたウィンカー 急かされるように
18.靄がかる道を 選んだ夜19.
20.背中合わせのまま 重ねた時間も
21.口に含んでいる 優しい嘘も
22.夢ばかりをただ 疼かせるだけ23.
25.濡らしてる雨は 降り止んでしまうのだろう
26.君とこのまま 鳥籠の中で 永遠 閉じ込められて
29.雨音に隠れて二人 密やかな囀りを
30.窓の外見つめないで 心 ここにおいて31.
33.帰るべき場所へ 飛び立ってしまうのだろう
34.君とこのまま 鳥籠の中で 永遠 閉じ込められて
38.戻れない過去も 二人目を閉じて
39.君とこのまま 鳥籠の中で 永遠 閉じ込められて
40.世界に二人だけ 求め合うまま41.
42.鳥籠の中 微睡の中

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Artist: Omoinotake
Tie-in: Twittering Birds Never Fly Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai: The clouds gather 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない The clouds gather

Omoinotake『Moratorium』Official Music Video


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Omoinotake - Moratorium (モラトリアム) English Translation Lyrics