1.At the edge of the world, the wind blows fiercely
2.We close our eyes again today,
3.Never tiring of our dreams
4.Believing that
5.Even tiny, insignificant hopes
6.Will someday bring a new era7.
8.There isn’t anything to burden us
9.Not anymore
10.So let’s embrace it all
11.Even if it may cause us pain
12.If I can make it happen, together with you…13.
14.Straining my voice, my throat
15.I’m screaming now
16.That the future is a path we cut for ourselves
17.I’ll take the first step
18.With endlessly overflowing passion
19.To seize my dream20.
21.Every time I’ve looked back,
22.The smiles of my irreplaceable comrades
23.Have given me courage
24.The oath that we swore together
25.Remains unfading,
26.Shining within my heart27.
28.There’s no point in bemoaning
29.Time that is lost to us
30.When eternity lies within us
31.For now, I believe that with certainty
32.As I laugh in the face of fear33.
34.Into everything these fingers, these palms touch
35.I’ll engrave the reason
36.That we stand here right now
37.So let’s cast off confusion and hesitation
38.And hurry onward
39.We can seize the dream40.
41.Nothing never gonna
42.stop me now
43.Nothing never gonna
44.change my world
45.I won’t let anyone take this away!46.
47.Seething, growing hot
48.The power to protect someone
49.Is hidden within my heart50.
51.Straining my voice, my throat
52.I’m screaming now
53.That the future is a path we cut for ourselves
54.I’ll take the first step
55.With endlessly overflowing passion
56.Reaching my hand into the darkness
57.To seize my dream
Translated by:
Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.
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