1.I can only listen to your voice
2.Why can’t they wait their turn?
3.Don’t talk to me all at once,
4.I’m going to lose my temper
5.Am I not a good prince?6.
7.Prince Shotoku’s Problem Consultation Room
8.Continues to be very popular today9.
10.As soon as the prince goes out into town, people approach him
11.And a crowd forms12.
13.Don’t push, don’t push
14.I’ll listen in order
15.Please calm down a bit16.
17.If you all talk at once
18.I won’t understand
19.So just stay quiet for a moment20.
21.One by one, please
22.Ideally, if possible
23.If ten people talk at the same time
24.It’s like Dolby Surround25.
26.I want to hear what you have to say
27.No, not you,
28.Don’t interrupt
29.What’s the level of people seeking advice?
30.I’m done listening31.
32.Prince Shotoku’s consultation room for Your Problems
33.Just a moment line up and wait, please34.
35.Asuka Period, Asuka Period
36.How are things? Asuka Period
37.The Twelve Level Cap and Rank System
38.Is it going to do well? The Twelve Level Cap and Rank System39.
40.Asuka Period, Asuka Period
41.How are things? Asuka Period
42.The Twelve Level Cap and Rank System
43.Can we talk about our problems?44.
45.Though you look straight into my eyes
46.And listen with such seriousness
47.You are, in fact,
48.Thinking about tonight’s dinner49.
50.I can only listen to your voice
51.Why can’t they wait their turn?
52.Don’t talk to me all at once
53.I’m going to lose my temper
54.Am I not a good prince?55.
56.I want to hear what you have to say
57.No, not you,
58.Don’t interrupt
59.What’s the level of people seeking advice?
60.I’m done listening61.
62.Prince Shotoku’s consultation room for Your Problems
63.Just a moment line up and wait, please64.
65.Such is his consultation room for any problems
66.Everyone is relying on him
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