1.Ah, as usual
2.These passing days make me yawn
3.After a night of merriment today again
4.Morning falls upon Shibuya city
5.Feeling somewhat empty
6.Such a feeling
7.Bores me
8.But that’s all right
9.It is what it is
10.I prefer it this way11.
12.Inadvertently hiding
13.Your real voice, let it resonate, see
14.You can pretend not to look but
15.It’s definitely there16.
17.Letting my feelings take over as
18.With this color of my choice
19.On a morning draped with sleepiness
20.I approached a blue world
21.Stating clearly what I like
22.Scares me to death but
23.My true self
24.I think I found it25.
26.Ah, the more I reach out
27.The further away it goes
28.Again, today’s not working out the way I imagined
29.Still struggling hurriedly
30.Vexing feelings
31.Just makes me miserable and
32.Tears fall
33.The deeper I get in
34.The more I’m in agony
35.And the more pain I’m in36.
37.Letting my feelings take over as I go forth
38.This path I chose
39.To a night grazing against these heavy eyelids
40.A blue vow clings
41.Continuing with what I like
42.Isn’t just about enjoyment
43.Can I really do it?
44.Makes me anxious but45.
46.So many
47.See, so many
48.I drew because I lacked confidence
49.So many times
50.See, so many times
51.These experiences will be my assets
52.Looking around
53.Comparing myself to others
54.What is it that only I can do?
55.I still lack confidence
56.But still57.
58.Feelings felt for the first time
59.Emotions I never knew I had
60.By taking a step forward on that day
61.This pain and everything else I felt for the first time
62.By facing what I like
63.I touched upon a light, still small
64.It’s all right, let’s go, now all we need to do is enjoy65.
66.Staking everything on my drawings
67.With a color no one else can emulate
68.By running continuously morning and night
69.I found a blue light
70.Facing what I like
71.Still scares me
72.But I’m no longer invisible like I used to be
73.I am as I am
74.I am the one and only me75.
76.Inadvertently hiding
77.Your real voice, let it resonate, see
78.You can pretend not to look but
79.It’s definitely there, even now
80.Inadvertently hiding
81.Your real voice, let it resonate, see
82.You can pretend not to look but
83.It’s definitely there within you
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