Red Swan Lyrics (Romanized)



Attack on Titan Opening 4 Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Release: 2018.10.03
Lyricist: YOSHIKI
Composer: YOSHIKI
Related Artists: HYDE

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English Translation: Red Swan English Translation
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie my dear
4.Kono mama yume wo mite
5.Chidarake no tsubasa hirogete 6.
7.Like a Fallen Angel toki no kaze ni
8.Nagasarete ochite yuku
9.Into the starry night megami no you ni
10.Dakishimete eien wo
11.Fly into heaven 12.
13.What’s the lie
14.What’s the truth
15.What to believe
16.In my life 17.

18.See the flowers breathing in the rain
19.Try growing to the edge of light
20.It’s so far away to reach out to the sky
21.I’ll seize, I’ll seize the roses with my wings
22.We ll fly 23.
24.Like a Fallen Angel toki no kaze ni
25.Nagasarete ochite yuku
26.Into the starry night megami no you ni
27.Dakishimete eien wo 28.
29.We’ll fly away
30.We’ll find a way
31.You can hide your fear
32.Can lie my dear 33.
34.We’ll see the end
35.We’ll be the end
37.Eien wo
38.Fly into heaven

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
(Based on):
Official Full

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Transliterated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

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(/・ω・)/ ☕彡 ヽ(^。^)ノ

  • YOSHIKI feat. HYDE - Red Swan Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Attack on Titan Opening Theme 4 Lyrics (Romanized)

  • Shingeki no Kyojin Opening Theme 4 Lyrics (Romanized)

TV Size:
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie my dear
4.Kono mama yume wo mite
5.Chidarake no tsubasa hirogete 6.
7.What’s the lie
8.What’s the truth
9.What to believe 10.
11.Like a Fallen Angel toki no kaze ni
12.Nagasarete ochite yuku
13.Into the starry night megami no you ni
14.Dakishimete eien wo
15.Fly into heaven
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie, my dear
4.このまま 夢を見て
5.血だらけの翼 広げて6.
7.Like a Fallen Angel 時の風に
8.流されて 落ちてゆく
9.Into the starry night 女神のように
10.抱きしめて 永遠を
11.Fly into heaven12.
13.What’s the lie
14.What’s the truth
15.What to believe
16.In my life17.
18.See the flowers breathing in the rain
19.Try growing to the edge of light
20.It’s so far away to reach out to the sky
21.I’ll seize, I’ll seize the roses with my wings
22.We’ll fly23.
24.Like a Fallen Angel 時の風に
25.流されて 落ちてゆく
26.Into the starry night 女神のように
27.抱きしめて 永遠を28.
29.We’ll fly away
30.We’ll find a way
31.You can hide your fear
32.Can lie, my dear33.
34.We’ll see the end
35.We’ll be the end
38.Fly into heaven

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
TV Size:
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie, my dear
4.このまま 夢を見て
5.血だらけの翼 広げて6.
7.What’s the lie
8.What’s the truth
9.What to believe10.
11.Like a Fallen Angel 時の風に
12.流されて 落ちてゆく
13.Into the starry night 女神のように
14.抱きしめて 永遠を
15.Fly into heaven
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie, my dear
4.You continue to dream
5.Spreading your blood-covered wings6.
7.Like a fallen angel
8.Falling, as if caught in the winds of time
9.Like a goddess going into the starry night
10.Embrace eternity
11.And fly into heaven12.
13.What’s the lie?
14.What’s the truth?
15.What to believe?
16.In my life17.
18.See the flowers breathing in the rain
19.Try growing to the edge of light
20.It’s so far away to reach out to the sky
21.I’ll seize, I’ll seize the roses with my wings
22.We’ll fly23.
24.Like a fallen angel
25.Falling, as if caught in the winds of time
26.Like a goddess going into the starry night
27.Embrace eternity28.
29.We’ll fly away
30.We’ll find a way
31.You can hide your fear
32.Can lie, my dear33.
34.We’ll see the end
35.We’ll be the end
38.And fly into heaven

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Translated by:
Chief Editor, English Translator, Romaji TranscriberLyrical Nonsense

Japanese music enthusiast and lyrical translator. JLPT N1 certified with more than 15 years of experience in the Japanese and Global music communities.

Join our Discord server to connect with global music lovers
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Send me a coffee to keep me going strong 💙
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TV Size:
1.Like the scarlet night veiling the dark
2.You can hide your fear
3.Can lie, my dear
4.You continue to dream
5.Spreading your blood-covered wings6.
7.What’s the lie?
8.What’s the truth?
9.What to believe?10.
11.Like a fallen angel
12.Falling, as if caught in the winds of time
13.Like a goddess going into the starry night
14.Embrace eternity
15.And fly into heaven
1.Zoals de scharlaken nacht, die de duisternis bemantelt
2.Je kunt je angst verbergen
3.Je kunt liegen, mijn geliefde
4.Je blijft dromen,
5.Terwijl je je in bloed gehulde vleugels spreidt6.
7.Als een gevallen engel
8.Vallend, alsof het gevangen wordt in de wind van tijd
9.Als een godin, gaand naar de sterren nacht
10.Omarm alles
11.en vlieg naar de hemel12.
13.Wat is de leugen?
14.Wat is de waarheid?
15.Waar moet ik in geloven?
16.In mijn leven17.
18.Zie de bloemen, ademend in de regen
19.Probeer te groeien naar de rand van het licht
20.Het is zo ver weg, om te uit te strekken naar de lucht
21.Ik grijp ze, ik grijp de rozen met mijn vleugels
22.We zullen vliegen23.
24.Als een gevallen engel
25.Vallend, alsof het gevangen wordt in de wind van tijd
26.Als een godin, gaand naar de sterren nacht
27.Omarm alles28.
29.We zullen wegvliegen
30.We zullen een weg vinden.
31.Je kunt je angst verbergen
32.Je kunt liegen, mijn geliefde33.
34.We zullen het eind zien
35.We zullen het eind zijn
38.En vlieg naar de hemel

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
TV Size:
1.Zoals de scharlaken nacht, die de duisternis bemantelt
2.Je kunt je angst verbergen
3.Je kunt liegen, mijn geliefde
4.Je blijft dromen,
5.Terwijl je je in bloed gehulde vleugels spreidt6.
7.Wat is de leugen?
8.Wat is de waarheid?
9.Waar moet ik in geloven?
10.In mijn leven11.
12.Als een gevallen engel
13.Vallend, alsof het gevangen wordt in de wind van tijd
14.Als een godin, gaand naar de sterren nacht
15.Omarm alles
16.En vlieg naar de hemel
Übersetzter Titel:
Roter Schwan
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Red Swan English Translation
1.Wie die scharlachrote Nacht, die die Dunkelheit verhüllt
2.Kannst du deine Ängste verstecken,
3.Kannst lügen, mein Schatz
4.Du träumst weiter
5.Und breitest deine blutbefleckten Flügel aus6.
7.Wie ein gefallener Engel
8.Fällst du, als wärst du in den Winden der Zeit gefangen
9.Wie eine Göttin, die in die sternklare Nacht hinausgeht
10.Umarme die Unendlichkeit
11.Und fliege auf in den Himmel12.
13.Welches ist die Lüge?
14.Welches ist die Wahrheit?
15.Woran soll ich glauben?
16.In meinem Leben17.
18.Sieh wie die Blumen im Regen atmen
19.Und versuchen zum Licht zu wachsen
20.Der Himmel ist fast zu weit entfernt, um ihn zu erreichen
21.Ich greife, ergreife die Rosen mit meinen Flügeln
22.Wir werden fliegen23.
24.Wie ein gefallener Engel
25.Fällst du, als wärst du in den Winden der Zeit gefangen
26.Wie eine Göttin, die in die sternklare Nacht hinausgeht
27.Umarme die Unendlichkeit28.
29.Wir fliegen ganz weit weg
30.Wir werden einen Weg finden
31.Du kannst deine Ängste verstecken
32.Kannst lügen, mein Schatz33.
34.Wir werden das Ende sehen
35.Wir werden das Ende sein
37.Die Unendlichkeit
38.Und fliege auf in den Himmel

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Translated by:

your local german gintama and nagachika hideyoshi enthusiast

redet mit mir auf twitter über kpop und hypmic!

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TV Size:
1.Wie die scharlachrote Nacht, die die Dunkelheit verhüllt
2.Kannst du deine Ängste verstecken,
3.Kannst lügen, mein Schatz
4.Du träumst weiter
5.Und breitest deine blutbefleckten Flügel aus6.
7.Welches ist die Lüge?
8.Welches ist die Wahrheit?
9.Woran soll ich glauben?10.
11.Wie ein gefallener Engel
12.Fällst du, als wärst du in den Winden der Zeit gefangen
13.Wie eine Göttin, die in die sternklare Nacht hinausgeht
14.Umarme die Unendlichkeit
15.Und fliege auf in den Himmel
Título Traduzido:
Cisne Vermelho
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Red Swan English Translation
1.Como a noite escarlate velando a escuridão
2.Você pode esconder seu medo
3.Pode mentir, minha querida
4.Você continua a sonhar
5.Abrindo suas asas cobertas de sangue6.
7.Como um anjo caído
8.Caindo, como se tivesse sido pega pelos ventos do tempo
9.Como uma deusa indo em direção da noite estrelada
10.Abrace a eternidade
11.E voe para os céus12.
13.Qual é a mentira?
14.Qual é a verdade?
15.No que acreditar?
16.Na minha vida17.
18.Veja as flores respirando na chuva
19.Tente crescer até a ponta da luz
20.É tão longe para alcançar o céu
21.Vou agarrar, agarrar as rosas com as minhas asas
24.Como um anjo caído
25.Caindo, como se tivesse sido pega pelos ventos do tempo
26.Como uma deusa indo em direção da noite estrelada
27.Abrace a eternidade28.
29.Nós voaremos para longe
30.Nós encontraremos um caminho
31.Você pode esconder seu medo
32.Pode mentir, minha querida33.
34.Nós veremos o fim
35.Nós seremos o fim
37.A eternidade
38.E voe para para os céus

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Apple Musicで聴く
English: Red Swan English Translation

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Artist: YOSHIKI feat. HYDE
Tie-in: Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin 進撃の巨人
Translated by:
Senior Editor, Portuguese TranslatorLyrical Nonsense

Hello, I’m Sekizai! I’m an LN Admin and Portuguese translator 🇧🇷
I manage a bunch of information, and do some romaji transliterations on the side (╭ರᴥ•́)

You can find me lurking into LN’s Discord Server while chilling to electronic Vocaloid music ♪└|∵|┐♪└|∵|┘♪┌|∵|┘♪

If you like my work, consider sending me a coffee! (/・ω・)/ ☕

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TV Size:
1.Como a noite escarlate velando a escuridão
2.Você pode esconder seu medo
3.Pode mentir, minha querida
4.Você continua a sonhar
5.Abrindo suas asas cobertas de sangue6.
7.Qual é a mentira?
8.Qual é a verdade?
9.No que acreditar?10.
11.Como um anjo caído
12.Caindo, como se tivesse sido pega pelos ventos do tempo
13.Como uma deusa indo em direção da noite estrelada
14.Abrace a eternidade
15.E voe para os céus

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YOSHIKI feat. HYDE『Red Swan』Opening Video


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YOSHIKI feat. HYDE - Red Swan Lyrics (Romanized)